Plan ahead!

MEMBER PERKS!! Discounted courses @TheHorsePortal. Sign up for two short online courses this month that will help protect your horses at home and on the road. Fire & Emergency Preparedness * Nov 13-20 Horse Trailer Safety (Part 1) * Nov 20-Dec 1 15% discount...

National Coaches Week

Let’s show our PEI Coaches how much we appreciate them!   Be sure your coach is nominated and recognized for all their hard work!  Community Sport Coach Highlight   You and the Coach that is highlighted during NCW are entered into the draw for an awesome...

Island Horse Council Athlete Development Funding

IHC is pleased to present the Athlete Development Funding Grant program again for 2022-2023. Submission deadline is Friday, April 14, 2023. You may submit an application for training and development events you participated in from April 1, 2022-March 31, 2023.  ...

New Year, New Goals

As another year is underway, and Spring is just around the corner, the Island Horse Council Board continues to work hard to bring more opportunities to our members in 2023. One endeavour we are undertaking is a Strategic Planning Session, to help us determine what you...

CapriCMW Insurance is now Acera Insurance

Dear IHC Member, please see below an important announcement from our insurance provider. Detailed insurance documents can be found on our Membership page. PTSO member insurer change Information. ACERA INSURANCE NEWS & HIGHLIGHTS With wildfires burrning in severral...