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Provincial Officials Training

Strathgartney Equestrian Park 18 Strathgartney Rd., Bonshaw, PE, Canada

Hunter/Jumper Course Design Training Course  Clinician: Sandra Conrad from Nova Scotia Location: Strathgartney Equestrian Park Date: September 27th more details to follow

Provincial Hunter Jumper Course Designer Clinic – Open to all!

Strathgartney Equestrian Park 18 Strathgartney Rd., Bonshaw, PE, Canada

Hunter/Jumper Course Designer Clinic. Open to all interested.A great learning opportunity for those seeking Officials Status, coaches, riders and anyone looking to expand their knowledge. This clinic meets the requirements […]

PEITR Spooktacular Trail Ride

Join PEITR October 6th for a spooky good time at BlueSky Stables in Ellerslie/Mount Pleasant. This event is an open ride; all up to date PEITR members ride at no charge, and the cost to non-members will be $20. All participants must have IHC. There will be prizes at the end of the ride! Prize […]

Rebecca Johnson Jumping Clinic

Sandstone Equestrian South Pinette, PE, Canada

Please Contact Lisa at Sandstone Equestrian for the entry form. 902 393 1400

Travis Smith – Athlete Development

Up West Equestrian Center PE, Canada

Travis is well known in the Maritime horse industry for everything from putting an excellent foundation on colts to showing in the reining pen to ranch versatility. Travis holds many […]

High Performance Training Camp with Jen Hamilton

Bonwell Park , Canada

Jen Marsden Hamilton - High Performance Hunter Jumper ClinicAND Coach Development with Sandra ConradJump PEI is excited to announce that we are bringing two fantastic equestrian professionals to offer a […]

High Performance Training Camp with Tom Dvorak

Bonwell Park , Canada

Dressage PEI is excited to present this training opportunity with Canadian Olympian Tom Dvorak, aimed at our competitive riders at First Level and above. This clinic is made possible thanks […]