Date: June 15 & 16 Location: 615 Doyle Road, Bloomfield PEI Judge: Lynne Poole * Equestrian Canada medium judge and NCCP Competition Coach Specialist in Dressage The show will follow all the Abegweit Series rules and regulations. Points will go towards year end Provincial Awards. Saturday […]
Dressage Training show with a clinic the following two days. Show Date: June 15 Clinic: June 16-17 Judge: Lynn Poole - Medium EC Judge and FEI rider Contact: .
Judges: Joanne Bouwhuis FEI 3* & Birgit Valkenborg FEI 3* Steward: Stephanie Boyles New this year!! **Freestyle Extravaganza** Details announced soon for what promises to be an exciting evening of dressage & music! (Feel free to share this message!)